Fig. 5 Prediction box and ground truth box of the model $b_{c_{x}}^{g t}$, $b_{c_{y}}^{g t}$ are the coordinates of the center point Bgt of the real box (ground truth box), and $b_{c_{x}}$, $b_{c_{y}}$ are the coordinates of the center point B of the prediction box; h and w are the length and width of the prediction box, and hgt, wgt are the length and width of the real box; σ is the straight line distance between the point Bgt and the point B; ch and cw are the distance between the center point of the two boxes in the vertical direction and the distance in the horizontal direction; ch and cw are the height and width of the smallest outer rectangle of the real box and the prediction box; α is the angle between the center point of the real box and the center point of the prediction box in the horizontal direction.
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