Figure/Table detail

Research on posture and grade recognition of cotton and its localization using improved YOLOX
Xie Jia, Chen Xuefei, Li Yongguo, Jin Changbing, Liang Jintao, Sun Shuaihao
Cotton Science, 2024, 36(4): 328-339.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20240016

Fig. 5 Prediction box and ground truth box of the model $b_{c_{x}}^{g t}$, $b_{c_{y}}^{g t}$ are the coordinates of the center point Bgt of the real box (ground truth box), and $b_{c_{x}}$, $b_{c_{y}}$ are the coordinates of the center point B of the prediction box; h and w are the length and width of the prediction box, and hgt, wgt are the length and width of the real box; σ is the straight line distance between the point Bgt and the point B; ch and cw are the distance between the center point of the two boxes in the vertical direction and the distance in the horizontal direction; ch and cw are the height and width of the smallest outer rectangle of the real box and the prediction box; α is the angle between the center point of the real box and the center point of the prediction box in the horizontal direction.
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