

Shahzad Kashif+,李雪+,戚廷香,郭立平,唐会妮,张学贤,王海林,张梦,张兵兵,乔秀琴,邢朝柱*,吴建勇*



[背景 ]棉花是世界上重要的纤维作物。通过杂交可以充分发挥棉花现有基因型的产量潜力。然而,要培育出高产、纤维品质优良的杂交种,了解控制这些性状的遗传信息是先决条件。因此,遗传分析在植物育种中具有关键作用。

[结果 ]本研究中,5个棉花母本和6个父本按照NC II设计产生30F1杂交种。所有材料于20162017年在中国3个不同生态区(长江流域棉区、黄河流域棉区、西北内陆棉区)进行了比较。采用加性-显性-环境(ADE)遗传模型对产量与纤维品质的遗传效应及基因型与表型相关性进行评价。结果表明,除衣分外,产量性状主要受遗传和环境互作效应控制,而衣分和纤维品质由遗传主效应决定。此外,显性和加性-环境互作效应对产量性状有较大影响,而加性和显性-环境互作效应对纤维性状的影响占主导地位。广义及其相互作用遗传力对所有产量和大多数纤维品质性状都有显著影响,而狭义及其相互作用遗传力对于铃数和籽棉产量的影响不显著。相关分析表明,籽棉产量与其他产量性状呈显著正相关,与纤维品质性状无显著相关。除马克隆值外,所有纤维品质性状彼此之间均显著正相关。

[结论] 本研究结果为产量和纤维品质性状的遗传控制提供了重要信息。此外,本研究还明确了亲本SJ48-1ZB-1851-2DT-8等可用于提高棉花产量和改善纤维品质。




Cotton is an important fiber crop worldwide. The yield potential of current genotypes of cotton can be exploited through hybridization. However, to develop superior hybrids with high yield and fiber quality traits, information of genetic control of traits is prerequisite. Therefore, genetic analysis plays pivotal role in plant breeding.


In present study, North Carolina II mating design was used to cross 5 female parents with 6 male parents to produce 30 intraspecific F1 cotton hybrids. All plant materials were tested in three different ecological regions of China during the year of 2016–2017. Additive-dominance-environment (ADE) genetic model was used to estimate the genetic effects and genotypic and phenotypic correlation of yield and fiber quality traits. Results showed that yield traits except lint percentage were mainly controlled by genetic and environment interaction effects, whereas lint percentage and fiber quality traits were determined by main genetic effects. Moreover, dominant and additive-environment interaction effects had more influence on yield traits, whereas additive and dominance-environment interaction effects were found to be predominant for fiber traits. Broad-sense and its interaction heritability were significant for all yield and most of fiber quality traits. Narrow-sense and its interaction heritability were non-significant for boll number and seed cotton yield. Correlation analysis indicated that seed cotton yield had significant positive correlation with other yield attributes and non-significant with fiber quality traits. All fiber quality traits had significant positive correlation with each other except micronaire.


Results of current study provide important information about genetic control of yield and fiber quality traits. Further, this study identified that parental lines, e.g., SJ48–1, ZB-1, 851–2, and DT-8 can be utilized to improve yield and fiber quality traits in cotton.

Title: Genetic analysis of yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivated in different ecological regions of China

Authors: SHAHZAD Kashif+, LI Xue+, QI Tingxiang, GUO Liping, TANG Huini, ZHANG Xuexian, WANG Hailin, ZHANG Meng, ZHANG Bingbing, QIAO Xiuqin, XING Chaozhu* & WU Jianyong*

Journal of Cotton Research. 2019, 2: 14



发布日期: 2019-09-09    访问总数: 1252