
JCR-Amino acids enhances Bt cotton flowers insecticidal protein

[背景] Bt转基因棉生殖器官低杀虫蛋白表达量影响其抗虫性。为提高花中Bt杀虫蛋白的表达量,在2016年和2017年棉花生长季节,以Bt抗虫棉常规种Sikang1(S1)和杂交种Sikang3(S3)为试验材料,在以前研究基础上,设置构成Bt蛋白主要的5种氨基酸和全部21种氨基酸于开花前1天处理正在开放的当日花。

[结果] 两种氨基酸处理均显著增加了两个品种花中Bt杀虫蛋白含量。与对照相比,Bt蛋白浓度提高了15.2%-25.8%。但两种氨基酸处理间无显著差异。氨基酸应用,花中氨基酸和可溶性蛋白含量增加,GPT、GOT、蛋白酶和肽酶活性增强。

[结论] 以上结果表明,开花期氨基酸外用能促进花中Bt杀虫蛋白的表达。

Physiology and Pathology Series

Title: Amino acids application enhances flowers insecticidal protein content in Bt cotton

作者: TAMBEL Leila. I. M., ZHOU Mingyuan, CHEN Yuan, ZHANG Xiang, CHEN Yuan  and CHEN Dehua

原文: Journal of Cotton Research. 2019; 2:7


Low insecticidal protein expression at reproductive organs affect insect resistance in Bt transgenic cotton. In order to enhance flower insecticidal protein expression, the conventional cultivar Sikang1 (S1) and the hybrid cultivar Sikang3 (S3) were used as experimental materials; the applications of selected 5 types of amino acids and 21 types of amino acids were sprayed on the flowers in 2016 and 2017 cotton growing seasons.

The flower Bt protein contents increased significantly under the two amino acid treatments in both cultivars, the Bt protein concentration increased by 15.2 to 25.8% compared with the control. However, no significant differences were detected between the two treatments of amino acid application. Increased amino acid and soluble protein contents, enhanced GPT, GOT, protease,and peptidase activities were observed under the amino acid application at the flowering stage.

These results suggest that exterior application of the amino acids treatments could bolster the flower insecticidal protein expression.

发布日期: 2019-06-27    访问总数: 1184