


1.中国农业科学院棉花研究所/棉花生物学国家重点实验室,农业部棉花生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,河南安阳 4550002.山西农业大学农学院,山西太谷 030801

摘要:[背景] 棉花是一种重要的经济作物,在国民经济中占有重要地位。陆地棉是世界上最重要的纤维作物,占全球棉花产量的95%以上。检测在多世代中稳定的QTLs,将为棉花产量和品质性状的分子辅助选择奠定基础。

[结果] 本研究利用优质抗虫棉杂交种中棉所70构建了F2F2:3F2:4F2:54个世代的分离群体。利用14 820SSR引物在中棉所70的父本901-001和母本sGK156间进行多态性筛选,共获得267对多态性引物。利用267对多态性引物在F2群体中进一步进行基因型鉴定,扩增出342个多态性位点,构建了一套含312个标记位点、35个连锁群、共覆盖1 929.9 cM的陆地棉种内遗传连锁图谱,该图谱约覆盖棉花总基因组的43.37%。利用该图谱结合F2F2:3F2:4F2:5四个世代的纤维产量和品质性状的表型数据,采用复合区间作图法进行QTL分析,检测到115QTLs,其中41QTLs与产量性状相关,74QTLs与纤维品质性状相关。这些QTLs分别分布在20条染色体上,解释1.01%27.80%的表型变异;多世代稳定的QTLs35个,与前人研究发现一致的QTLs25个。15QTL簇分别分布在11个染色体区段上。

[结论] 本研究为棉花纤维产量和品质性状的分子标记辅助选择同步改良奠定了理论基础。



Cotton is a significant economic crop that plays an indispensable role in many domains. Gossypium hirsutum L. is the most important fiber crop worldwide and contributes to more than 95% of global cotton production. Identifying stable quantitative trait locus (QTLs) controlling fiber quality and yield related traits are necessary prerequisites for marker-assisted selection (MAS).


A genetic linkage map was constructed with 312 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and 35 linkage groups using JoinMap 4.0; the map spanned 1 929.9?cM, with an average interval between two markers of 6.19?cM, and covered approximately 43.37% of the cotton genome. A total of 74 QTLs controlling fiber quality and 41 QTLs controlling yield-related traits were identified in 4 segregating generations. These QTLs were distributed across 20 chromosomes and collectively explained 1.01%~27.80% of the observed phenotypic variations. In particular, 35 stable QTLs could be identified in multiple generations, 25 common QTLs were consistent with those in previous studies, and 15 QTL clusters were found in 11 chromosome segments.


These studies provide a theoretical basis for improving cotton yield and fiber quality for molecular marker-assisted selection.


Title: QTL mapping for fiber quality and yield-related traits across multiple generations in segregating population of CCRI 70

Authors: DENG Xiaoying, GONG Juwu, LIU Aiying, SHI Yuzhen, GONG Wankui, GE Qun, LI Junwen, SHANG Haihong, WU Yuxiang & YUAN Youlu

Journal of Cotton Research. 2019, 2:13



发布日期: 2019-09-06    访问总数: 1377