

QAMER Zainab, CHAUDHARY Muhammad Tanees, 杜雄明, HINZE LoriandAZHAR Muhammad Tehseen

摘要:农作物处于极端的非生物胁迫下会引起氧化应激反应,从而产生和积累过量的活性氧(Reactive oxygen species,ROS)。这些极端的非生物环境或胁迫包括干旱、高温、重金属、高盐和紫外线辐射等,会降低农作物的产量和品质。ROS是自然界中的一类高活性物质,可通过损伤植物细胞器、代谢物和分子物质来打断各种代谢途径直至造成细胞死亡。对此,植物已经进化出了防御机制,可以通过产生抗氧化剂来破坏ROS反应,保护植物免受氧化损伤。当前研究表明,低水平的ROS可以通过改变相关起防御作用基因的表达来诱导农作物提高对极端环境的耐受性。本文综述了棉花响应几类非生物胁迫的活性氧产生过程的研究进展。此外,还讨论了近年来棉花抗氧化胁迫方面的研究进展。植物氧化应激相关研究显示,选育耐逆性强的作物新品种具有巨大的潜力。


TiTle: Review of oxidative stress and antioxidative defense mechanisms in Gossypium hirsutum L. in response to extreme abiotic conditions

Authors: QAMER Zainab, CHAUDHARY Muhammad Tanees, DU Xiongming, HINZE Lori & AZHAR Muhammad Tehseen

Abstract:Oxidative stress occurs when crop plants are exposed to extreme abiotic conditions that lead to the excessive production and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Those extreme abiotic conditions or stresses include drought, high temperature, heavy metals, salinity, and ultraviolet radiation, and they cause yield and quality losses in crops. ROS are highly reactive species found in nature that can attack plant organelles, metabolites, and molecules by interrupting various metabolic pathways until cell death occurs. Plants have evolved defense mechanisms for the production of antioxidants to detoxify the ROS and to protect the plant against oxidative damage. Modern researches in crop plants revealed that low levels of ROS act as a signal which induces tolerance to environmental extremes by altering the expression of defensive genes. In this review, we summarized the processes involved in ROS production in response to several types of abiotic stress in cotton plants. Furthermore, we discussed the achievements in the understanding and improving oxidative stress tolerance in cotton in recent years. Researches related to plant oxidative stresses have shown excellent potential for the development of stress-tolerant crops.

Journal of Cotton Research. 2021, 4: 9



发布日期: 2021-04-17    访问总数: 1663