
Effects of irrigation and planting geometry on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber quality and seed composition
PINNAMANENISrinivasa R., ANAPALLI Saseendran S.,SUI Ruixiu, BELLALOUI Nacer & REDDY Krishna N.


Cotton fiber quality and seed composition play vital roles in the economics of cotton production systems and the cottonseed meal industry. This research aimed to examine the effects of different irrigation levels and planting geometries on fiber quality and seed composition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). We conducted a 2-year study in 2018 and 2019 in a warm, humid area in the Southeast United States on Dundee silt loam soil. There were three irrigation treatments in the study. The treatments included irrigating every furrow, or full irrigation (FI), every alternate furrow, or half irrigation (HI), and no irrigation, or rain-fed (RF). Planting geometries were on ridges spaced 102?cm apart and either a single-row (SR) or twin-rows (TR).


The results of high-volume instrument (HVI), advanced fiber information systems (AFIS) and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) showed that irrigation and planting treatments played a significant role in fiber quality and seed composition. Across irrigation treatments, significant differences were seen in fiber properties, including fineness, maturity ratio, micronaire, neps, short fiber, strength, uniformity, upper half mean length (UHML), upper quartile length by weight (UQLw), and yellowness (+b). Irrigation and planting geometry (PG) had a significant effect on micronaire, strength, and UHML while their interaction was significant only for micronaire. The micronaire was negatively affected by irrigation as FI-SR, FI-TR, HI-SR, and HI-TR recorded 11%?~?12% lower over the RF-SR and TR treatments. The PG played a minor role in determining fiber quality traits like micronaire and nep count. Irrigation treatments produced significantly lower (3%?~?4%) protein content than rain-fed, while oil content increased significantly (6%?~?10%).


The study results indicate a potential for improving cotton fiber and seed qualities by managing irrigation and planting geometries in cotton production systems in the Mississippi (MS) Delta region. The HI-TR system appears promising for lint and seed quality.


PINNAMANENISrinivasa R., ANAPALLI Saseendran S.,SUI Ruixiu, BELLALOUI Nacer & REDDY Krishna N.

背景:纤维品质和棉籽组分在棉花和棉籽利用中起着至关重要的作用。为探讨不同灌溉水平和种植模式对棉花纤维品质和棉籽组分的影响,于2018-2019年在美国密西西比州的Stoneville进行了为期2年的试验。该地区气候温暖潮湿,土壤类型为沙壤土。试验为垄作,行距102 cm,设计3种灌溉处理:逐行灌溉(Full irrigation,FI)、隔行灌溉(Half irrigation,HI)和不灌溉(Rain-fed,RF),2种种植模式:单行(Single-row,SR)和双行(Twin-row,TR)。

结果:利用大容量纤维测试仪(High-volume instrumentHVI)、单纤维测试仪(Advanced fiber information systemsAFIS)和近红外光谱(Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopyNIRS)分析测试,发现灌溉水平和种植模式对棉花纤维品质和棉籽组分均有显著影响。不同灌溉处理的棉花纤维性状有显著差异,包括细度、成熟度、马克隆值、棉结、短纤维指数、断裂比强度、长度整齐度、上半部平均长度、上四分位长度和黄度(+b)。灌溉水平和种植模式对马克隆值、断裂比强度和上半部平均长度都有显著影响,但它们的互作仅对马克隆值有显著影响。 FI-SRFI-TRHI-SRHI-TR处理比RF-SRRF-TR处理的马克隆值低11%12%,表明灌水对马克隆值有负向影响。种植模式在决定纤维品质性状(如马克隆值和棉结数)中的作用很小。灌溉处理的棉籽蛋白质含量显著低于不灌溉处理(低3%4%),而油分含量显著高于不灌溉处理(高6%10%)。


Journal of Cotton Research. 2021, 4: 2



第一作者和通信作者:PINNAMANENISrinivasa R.,美国USDA-ARS

基金项目:USDA-ARS 项目(606613000-005-00D

发布日期: 2021-01-21    访问总数: 1255