
JCR-Role of SNPs in determining QTLs for major traits in cotton

MAJEED Sajid, RANA Iqrar Ahmad, ATIF Rana Muhammad, ALI Zulfiqar, HINZE Lori and AZHAR Muhammad Tehseen





A single nucleotide polymorphism is the simplest form of genetic variation among individuals and can induce minor changes in phenotypic, physiological and biochemical characteristics. This polymorphism induces various mutations that alter the sequence of a gene which can lead to observed changes in amino acids. Several assays have been developed for identification and validation of these markers. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages but genotyping by sequencing is the most common and most widely used assay. These markers are also associated with several desirable traits like yield, fibre quality, boll size and genes respond to biotic and abiotic stresses in cotton. Changes in yield related traits are of interest to plant breeders. Numerous quantitative trait loci with novel functions have been identified in cotton by using these markers. This information can be used for crop improvement through molecular breeding approaches. In this review, we discuss the identification of these markers and their effects on gene function of economically important traits in cotton.


Abiotic stresses; Biotic stresses; Cotton; Earliness; Genotyping by sequencing

Journal of Cotton Research. 2019; 2:5



发布日期: 2019-06-11    访问总数: 723