杜霄, 龙遗磊, 谭彦平, 李丽丽, 王胤, 金珅, 杨伊楠, 艾先涛
Genome-wide association study of cotton lint percentage and boll weight
【目的】对棉花衣分和铃重进行全基因组关联分析,挖掘相关的候选基因,为通过分子标记辅助选择和分子设计育种提高棉花产量提供遗传基础。【方法】利用300份陆地棉种质资源重测序(10×)数据和3 055 642个高质量单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)对2年5个环境及最佳线性无偏预测值(best linear unbiased predictive value, BLUP)的衣分和铃重进行了全基因组关联分析,检测相关的显著关联位点和候选基因。【结果】衣分和铃重在不同环境下存在较广泛的变异,衣分平均变异系数为9.40%,遗传力为92.81%;铃重平均变异系数为11.96%,遗传力为86.67%。不同环境间,群体的铃重呈极显著正相关关系,衣分也呈极显著正相关关系。群体结构分析、主成分分析和系统发育分析将300份陆地棉分为6个亚群,全基因组关联分析共检测到223个数量性状位点(quantitative trait locus, QTL)与衣分相关,89个QTL与铃重相关。对衣分中筛选到的3个稳定的QTL qLP_Gh5.18、qLP_Gh12.43和qLP_Gh17.2进一步分析,发现17个相关候选基因;对铃重中筛选到的2个稳定的QTL qBW_Gh7.5和qBW_Gh19.5进一步分析,发现8个相关候选基因。【结论】在300份陆地棉群体中鉴定到5个稳定的QTL与棉花衣分和铃重关联,挖掘到25个与衣分和铃重相关的候选基因。
[Objective] This study aims to perform genome-wide asscciation study of cotton yield traits, such as lint percentage (LP) and boll weight(BW), and to mine the candidate genes, and may be helpful for improving cotton yield through molecular marker-assisted selection and molecular design breeding. [Methods] Genome-wide association study was performed using 300 upland cotton germplasms resequencing (10×) data and 3 055 642 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) for LP and BW in five environments and best linear unbiased predictive value (BLUP) for two years to detect significant association loci and candidate genes. [Results] The cotton LP and BW showed wide variations in different environments, with an average coefficient of variation of 9.40% and heritability of 92.81% for LP, and an average coefficient of variation of 11.96% and heritability of 86.67% for BW. BW is significantly positively correlated in different environments. It’s the same with LP. Population structure analysis, principal component analysis, and phylogenetic analysis classified the 300 upland cotton lines into six subgroups. Genome-wide association study detected a total of 223 quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with LP and 89 QTL associated with BW. The three stable QTL qLP_Gh5.18, qLP_Gh12.43, and qLP_Gh17.2 screened in LP were further analyzed, and 17 related candidate genes were found. Two stable QTL qBW_Gh7.5 and qBW_Gh19.5 related to BW were further analyzed, and 8 related candidate genes were identified. [Conclusion] Five stable QTL were identified in 300 up land cotton lines associated with cotton LP and BW, and a total of 25 candidate genes related to LP and BW were mined.
陆地棉 / 衣分 / 铃重 / 全基因组关联分析 {{custom_keyword}} /
Gossypium hirsutum L. / lint percentage / boll weight / genome-wide association study {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 300份棉花种质材料的来源Table 1 The origins of 300 cotton germplasm materials |
来源 Origin | 数量 Number | 来源 Origin | 数量 Number | 来源 Origin | 数量 Number |
新疆 Xinjiang | 87 | 天津 Tianjin | 1 | 浙江 Zhejiang | 1 |
甘肃 Gansu | 2 | 江苏 Jiangsu | 18 | 辽宁 Liaoning | 43 |
陕西 Shaanxi | 3 | 湖北 Hubei | 10 | 美国 The United States | 17 |
河北 Hebei | 45 | 四川 Sichuan | 7 | 苏联 The Soviet Union | 6 |
河南 Henan | 32 | 湖南 Hunan | 3 | 澳大利亚 Australia | 1 |
山东 Shandong | 14 | 江西 Jiangxi | 2 | 巴西 Brazil | 1 |
山西 Shanxi | 5 | 安徽 Anhui | 1 | 乌干达 Uganda | 1 |
表2 衣分和铃重的统计分析Table 2 Statistical analysis of lint percentage and boll weight |
性状 Trait | 环境 Environment | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 平均 Mean | SD | 偏度 Kurtosis | 峰度 Skewness | CV/% | H2/% |
LP/% | E1 | 18.45 | 57.16 | 39.82 | 4.70 | -0.47 | 1.36 | 11.82 | 92.81 |
E2 | 26.82 | 52.15 | 40.02 | 4.11 | -0.35 | 0.38 | 10.26 | ||
E3 | 28.55 | 48.54 | 40.98 | 3.60 | -0.65 | 0.29 | 8.80 | ||
E4 | 28.53 | 48.97 | 40.69 | 3.48 | -0.42 | 0.10 | 8.55 | ||
E5 | 27.46 | 58.54 | 40.55 | 3.98 | -0.24 | 1.22 | 9.82 | ||
BLUP | 30.05 | 47.33 | 40.34 | 2.88 | -0.60 | 0.44 | 7.14 | ||
BW/g | E1 | 3.96 | 8.78 | 6.33 | 0.83 | 0.05 | 0.22 | 13.04 | 86.67 |
E2 | 3.47 | 8.58 | 6.04 | 0.89 | 0.14 | 0.22 | 14.79 | ||
E3 | 3.37 | 8.32 | 6.10 | 0.80 | -0.13 | 0.14 | 13.15 | ||
E4 | 4.01 | 8.16 | 6.11 | 0.74 | 0.07 | -0.22 | 12.08 | ||
E5 | 2.91 | 7.88 | 6.06 | 0.73 | -0.37 | 0.57 | 12.10 | ||
BLUP | 4.95 | 7.20 | 6.13 | 0.40 | -0.20 | 0.13 | 6.60 |
注:LP,衣分;BW,铃重。SD,标准差;CV,变异系数。 | |
Note: LP, lint percentage; BW, boll weight. SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variance. |
图2 300份陆地棉材料的群体结构、系统发育、主成分分析和连锁不平衡衰减分析A:通过交叉验证确定最佳分群数;B:系统发育树;C:K= 6的群体结构分析;D:PCA分析;E:连锁不平衡衰减。 Fig. 2 Population structure, phylogeny, principal component analysis and linkage disequilibrium decay analysis of 300 upland cotton materials A: Optimal number of subgroups by cross-validation; B: Phylogenetic tree; C: Population structure analysis with K = 6; D: PCA analysis; E: Linkage disequilibrium decay. |
表3 5个重复检测到的稳定QTLTable 3 Five repetitively detected stable QTL |
QTL | 环境 Environment | SNP | 等位基因* Alleles | 位置* Position/bp | 模型 Model | 染色体 Chromosome | -lgP | PVE/% |
qLP_Gh5.18 | E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, BLUP | snp497745 | G/A | 108 999 846 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | A05 | 11.00 | 14.35 |
qLP_Gh12.43 | E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, BLUP | snp1691332 | A/G | 106 749 618 | 1, 2 | A12 | 7.47 | 9.69 |
qLP_Gh17.2 | E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, BLUP | snp2180718 | T/C | 3 864 566 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | D04 | 7.12 | 10.69 |
qBW_Gh7.5 | E1, E4, BLUP | snp852852 | A/G | 91 011 955 | 1, 2 | A07 | 6.88 | 8.89 |
qBW_Gh19.5 | E1, E5, BLUP | snp2428027 | G/A | 64 376 502 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | D06 | 6.15 | 7.89 |
注:SNP是指QTL中表型变异解释率最高的SNP,*表示是SNP信息。1~4分别指以主成分矩阵为协变量的一般线性模型、以群体结构矩阵为协变量的一般线性模型、以主成分和亲缘关系矩阵为协变量的混合线性模型、以群体结构和亲缘关系矩阵为协变量的混合线性模型。PVE,表型变异解释率。 | |
Note: SNP is the SNP with the highest phenotypic variance explained (PVE) in the QTL; *: information about the SNP. 1-4 in Model represent general linear model with principal component matrix as a covariate GLM (P), general linear model with group structure matrix as a covariate GLM (Q), mixed linear model with principal component and kinship matrices as covariates MLM (P+K), and mixed linear model with principal component and kinship matrices as covariates MLM (Q+K). PVE, phenotypic variation explained. |
图4 A05染色体上LP相关QTL qLP-Gh5.18的分析A:GLM (Q)模型下基于BLUP值的LP曼哈顿图。染色体1~13代表A01~A13染色体,14~26代表D01~D13染色体。B:围绕A05染色体上的峰区的局部曼哈顿图,红色箭头示意qLP-Gh5.18中的snp497745;C:基于snp497745基因型的LP箱线图,****代表在0.000 1水平差异显著。D:108.85~109.11 Mb区间内SNP的LD热图。 Fig. 4 Analysis of the LP-related QTL qLP-Gh5.18 on chromosome A05 A: Manhattan plot of association mapping of LP based on BLUP value in GLM (Q) model. Chromosomes 1 to 13 represent chromosomes A01 to A13, and 14 to 26 represent chromosomes D01 to D13. B: Localized Manhattan plot around the peak region on chromosome A05, with red arrows indicating snp497745. C: Boxplot of LP based on the snp497745 genotype. Significance analysis was performed; **** represent significance at the 0.000 1 probability level. D: LD heat map of SNP in the 108.85-109.11 Mb interval. |
表4 LP和BW的候选基因及其注释Table 4 Candidate genes and gene annotation for LP and BW |
性状 Trait | 基因ID Gene ID | 染色体 Chromosome | 位置 Position/bp | 拟南芥中同源基因 Homologous gene in Arabidopsis | 功能注释 Functional annotation | ||||||
LP | GH_A05G4223 | A05 | 108 940 857~ 108 942 463 | AT5G05340.1 | 编码蛋白质序列与参与木质素生物合成的过氧化物酶相似,功能突变缺失表现为木质部纤维发育异常和木质素生物合成酶活性降低 Encodes a protein with sequence similarity to peroxidases that is involved in lignin biosynthesis. Loss of function mutations show abnormal development of xylem fibers and reduced acti- vity of lignin biosynthetic enzymes | ||||||
GH_A05G4224 | A05 | 108 950 710~ 108 951 750 | AT2G40470.1 | 含有LOB结构域的蛋白,作为木质部细胞分化主调控因子VND7的调控因子参与木质部分化调控 LOB-domain containing protein, involved in the regulation of xylem differentiation, as a regu- lator of VND7, a master regulator of xylem cell differentiation | |||||||
GH_A05G4226 | A05 | 108 992 628~108 995 062 | AT2G40480.1 | WEB家族蛋白(DUF827) WEB family protein (DUF827) | |||||||
GH_A05G4227 | A05 | 109 051 197~109 052 912 | AT3G10960.1 | 编码绒毛曲霉腺嘌呤-鸟嘌呤-次黄嘌呤转运体AzgA的同源物 Encodes a homolog of the adenine-guanine- hypoxanthine transporter AzgA of Aspergillus nidulans | |||||||
GH_A05G4228 | A05 | 109 086 057~109 090 055 | AT1G61670.2 | Lung七跨膜受体家族蛋白 Lung seven transmembrane receptor family protein | |||||||
GH_A05G4229 | A05 | 109 090 769~109 095 282 | AT2G40700.1 | DEAD-box解旋酶家族蛋白 DEAD-box helicase family protein | |||||||
GH_A05G4230 | A05 | 109 097 260~109 099 883 | AT2G40690.3 | 编码1种假定的二羟丙酮磷酸还原酶,参与叶绿体甘油-3-磷酸的供应 Encodes a putative dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) reductase involved in glycerol- 3-phosphate supply within the chloroplast for synthesis of glycerolipids | |||||||
GH_A12G2883 | A12 | 106 748 735~106 749 962 | AT4G02750.1 | 四肽重复样超家族蛋白 Tetratricopeptide repeat-like superfamily protein | |||||||
GH_A12G2884 | A12 | 106 751 601~106 756 487 | AT1G13160.1 | ARM重复超家族蛋白 ARM repeat superfamily protein | |||||||
GH_A12G2885 | A12 | 106 758 251~106 762 392 | AT1G57820.3 | 编码包含645个氨基酸的甲基胞嘧啶结合蛋白,包含1个PHD结构域、2个环指结构域和1个SRA结构域 Encodes a 645-amino acid methylcytosine- binding protein, contains 1 PHD structural domain, 2 ring finger structural domains and 1 SRA structural domain | |||||||
GH_A12G2886 | A12 | 106 773 820~106 774 134 | AT3G18100.1 | R2R3转录因子基因家族的成员 Member of the R2R3 transcription factor gene family | |||||||
GH_A12G2887 | A12 | 106 780 464~106 783 145 | AT4G02750.1 | 五肽重复蛋白 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein | |||||||
GH_A12G2888 | A12 | 106 785 458~106 790 726 | AT3G18040.4 | MAP激酶(MAPK9)相似的蛋白 Encodes a protein with similarity to MAP kinases (MAPK9) | |||||||
GH_D04G0279 | D04 | 3 835 441~ 3 835 718 | AT1G28130.1 | 编码IAA -氨基合成酶,在体外将天冬氨酸和其他氨基酸结合到生长素上 Encodes an IAA-amido synthase that conjugates Asp and other amino acids to auxin in vitro | |||||||
GH_D04G0280 | D04 | 3 843 564~ 3 845 715 | AT2G26790.2 | 五肽重复超家族蛋白 Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein | |||||||
GH_D04G0281 | D04 | 3 849 170~ 3 849 783 | AT5G09810.1 | 肌动蛋白基因家族成员 Member of actin gene family | |||||||
GH_D04G0282 | D04 | 3 869 577~ 3 870 189 | AT2G02730.3 | ||||||||
BW | GH_A07G2234 | A07 | 91 011 268~ 91 011 273 | AT5G48500.1 | RIN4样NOI家族成员 Member of the RIN4-like NOI family | ||||||
GH_A07G2235 | A07 | 91 058 898~ 91 059 478 | AT4G12970.1 | 编码1个富含半胱氨酸的多肽,是1种在叶肉细胞中产生的分泌因子,作用于表皮以促进气孔的形成 Encodes a cysteine-rich peptide, a secretory factor produced in leaf pulp cells that acts on the epidermis to enhance stomatal formation | |||||||
GH_A07G2236 | A07 | 91 061 847~ 91 062 251 | AT3G07420.1 | 编码1个天冬酰氨酰-tRNA合成酶 Encodes an asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase | |||||||
GH_A07G2237 | A07 | 91 065 703~ 91 066 467 | AT5G48540.1 | 受体样蛋白激酶相关家族蛋白 Receptor-like protein kinase-related family protein | |||||||
GH_A07G2243 | A07 | 91 182 137~ 91 183 569 | AT4G13000.1 | AGC(cAMP依赖性、cGMP依赖性蛋白激酶C)激酶家族蛋白 AGC (cAMP-dependent, cGMP-dependent and protein kinase C) kinase family protein | |||||||
GH_D06G2300 | D06 | 64 362 627~ 64 366 558 | AT1G29670.2 | GDSL酯酶/酰基转移酶/脂肪酶 GDSL-motif esterase/acyltransferase/lipase | |||||||
GH_D06G2301 | D06 | 64 368 830~ 64 370 862 | AT1G29760.1 | 花粉中参与脂滴生物形成的膜蛋白 Membrane protein involved in lipid droplet biogenesis primarily in pollen | |||||||
GH_D06G2302 | D06 | 64 371 910~ 64 372 102 | AT4G18910.1 | 编码1个水通道蛋白同源物 Encodes an aquaporin homolog |
图5 A12染色体上LP相关QTL qLP-Gh12.43的分析A:GLM (P)模型下基于E5的LP曼哈顿图;B:围绕A12染色体上的峰区的局部曼哈顿图,红色箭头表示qLP-Gh12.43中snp1691332;C:基于snp1691332基因型的LP箱线图,****代表在0.000 1水平差异显著;D:106.57~106.82 Mb区间内SNP的LD热图。 Fig. 5 Analysis of the LP-related QTL qLP-Gh12.43 on chromosome A12 A: Manhattan plot of association mapping of LP based on E5 in GLM (P) model. B: Localized Manhattan plot around the peak region on chromosome A12, with red arrows indicating snp1691332 in qLP-Gh12.43. C: Boxplot of LP based on the snp1691332 genotype; **** represent significance at the 0.000 1 probability level. D: LD heat map of SNP in the 106.57-106.82 Mb interval. |
图6 D04染色体上LP相关QTL qLP-Gh17.2的分析A:GLM (Q)模型下基于BLUP值的LP曼哈顿图;B:围绕D04染色体上的峰区的局部曼哈顿图,红色箭头表示 qLP-Gh17.2中的snp2180718;C:基于snp2180718基因型的LP箱线图,**、***、****分别代表在0.01、0.001和0.000 1水平差异显著;D:3.80~3.96 Mb区间内SNP的LD热图。 Fig. 6 Analysis of the LP-related QTL qLP-Gh17.2 on chromosome D04 A: Manhattan plot of association mapping of LP based on BLUP value in GLM (Q) model; B: Localized Manhattan plot around the peak region on chromosome D04, with red arrows indicating snp2180718 in qLP-Gh12.43; C: Boxplot of LP based on the snp2180718 genotype; **, ***, and **** represent significant difference at the 0.01, 0.001, and 0.000 1 probability levels, respectively. D: LD heat map of SNP in the 3.80-3.96 Mb interval. |
图7 A07染色体上BW相关QTL qBW-Gh7.5的分析A:GLM (P)模型下基于BLUP值的BW曼哈顿图;B:围绕A07染色体上的峰区的局部曼哈顿图,红色箭头表示 qBW-Gh7.5区间的snp852852;C:基于snp852852基因型的BW箱线图,**代表在0.01水平差异显著;D:90.83~91.18 Mb区间内SNP的LD 热图。 Fig. 7 Analysis of the BW-related QTL qBW-Gh7.5 on chromosome A07 A: Manhattan plot of association mapping of BW based on BLUP value in GLM (P) model. B: Localized Manhattan plot around the peak region on chromosome A07, with red arrows indicating snp852852 in qBW-Gh7.5. C: Boxplot of BW based on the snp852852 genotype; ** represents significant difference at the 0.01 probability level. D: LD heat map of SNP in the 90.83 - 91.18 Mb interval. |
表5 共定位的衣分与铃重相关QTLTable 5 Co-localized LP-related and BW-related QTL |
QTL | 染色体 Chromosome | 位置 Position/bp | 性状 Trait | 已报道的关联性状及位置 Reported association traits and position |
qLP_Gh2.55 | A02 | 98 723 355~102 266 957 | LP | LP, 99 319 356~99 719 356[16] |
qLP_Gh7.15 | A07 | 95 527 161~95 527 541 | LP | LP, 95 275 753~95 710 761[23,39] |
qLP_Gh14.6 | D01 | 10 447 552~10 626 156 | LP | LP, 10 658 260~11 068 260[16] |
qLP_Gh15.9 | D02 | 67 202 370~67 203 538 | LP | LP, 66 951 737~67 539 510[40] |
qLP_Gh16.8 | D03 | 43 958 623~44 009 925 | LP | LP, 43 621 808~44 418 254[16] |
qLP_Gh19.7 | D06 | 19 142 449 | LP | LW, 18 802 609~19 202 609[23] |
qLP_Gh24.2 | D11 | 5 441 073~6 333 920 | LP | LP, 5 886 403~6 332 265[40] |
qLP_Gh26.1 | D13 | 1 760 772~1 902 568 | LP | LP, 1 586 352~2 134 846[13,44] |
qLP_Gh26.8 | D13 | 56 480 818~56 745 986 | LP | LP, 55 659 215~56 563 074[40] |
qBW_Gh7.5 | A07 | 91 011 955~91 208 953 | BW | BW, 90 557 652~91 477 395[16,20] |
注:LP,衣分;BW,铃重;LW,衣分重。 | |
Note: LP, Lint percentage; BW, Boll weight; LW, Lint weight. |
图8 D06染色体上BW相关QTL qBW-Gh19.5的分析A:GLM (Q)模型下基于E5的BW曼哈顿图;B:围绕D06染色体上的峰区的局部曼哈顿图,红色箭头表示 qBW-Gh19.5中的snp2428027;C:基于snp2428027基因型的BW箱线图,*代表在0.05水平差异显著;D:64.22~64.56 Mb区间内的SNP的LD热图。 Fig. 8 Analysis of the BW-related QTL qBW-Gh19.5 on chromosome D06 A: Manhattan plot of association mapping of BW in E5 and GLM (Q) model. B: Localized Manhattan plot around the peak region on chromosome D06, with red arrows indicating snp2428027 in qBW-Gh19.5. C: Boxplot of BW based on the snp24280272 genotype; * represents significant difference at the 0.01 probability level. D: LD heat map of SNP in the 64.22 - 64.56 Mb interval. |
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