Figure/Table detail

Estimation of chlorophyll content in cotton canopy using UAV multispectral imagery and machine learning algorithms
Zhao Xin, Li Zhaoyang, Wang Hongbo, Liu Jiangfan, Jiang Wenge, Zhao Zeyi, Wang Xingpeng, Gao Yang
Cotton Science, 2024, 36(1): 1-13.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20230026

Vegetation index
Simple linear regression model
Modelling dataset
Validation dataset
R2 RMSE/(mg·L-1) RPD R2 RMSE/(mg·L-1) RPD
NDVI y=56.16x-26.688 0.542 1.314 1.477 0.384 1.627 1.274
RVI y=0.987x+9.175 0.547 1.306 1.486 0.341 1.683 1.232
NDCI y=40.712x-8.574 0.258 1.671 1.161 0.287 1.749 1.185
RECI y=0.988x+10.163 0.547 1.306 1.486 0.341 1.683 1.232
GCI y=0.987x+11.236 0.549 1.275 1.455 0.392 1.732 1.384
NDRE y=65.713x+36.574 0.373 1.712 1.239 0.316 1.752 1.265
SAVI y=37.463x-26.687 0.541 1.313 1.477 0.384 1.274 1.627
Table 5 Simple linear model of vegetation index and SPAD and the model validation
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