Figure/Table detail

Comparison of the transcriptomes between pink flower buds and yellow flower buds in upland cotton
Liu Linqiang, Han Xiao, Yang Lan, Yan Qingdi, Hu Wei, Jin Yuying, Yu Jie, Yang Zhaoen, Li Fuguang
Cotton Science, 2023, 35(4): 259-273.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20200102

Fig. 1 Flowers and buds at different development stages of CCRI 24 and Zhongyihong A: Flowers and buds at different development stages of CCRI 24 (upper panel) and Zhongyihong (bottorn panel); B: Flowers of CCRI 24 (right) and Zhongyihong (left), photos were taken at the flowering day; C: The color of petals at different development stages of CCRI 24 (upper panel) and Zhongyihong (bottorn panel).
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