刘震宇1, ELTAYIB H M. A. Abidallha1,2, 吴慧敏1, 周明园1, 张祥1, 陈媛1, 陈德华1*
1 扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育点,中国扬州 225009
2 苏丹喀土穆大学林学院林业管理系,苏丹喀土穆13314
摘要:转Bt基因棉花 (Bt棉) 能有效地控制棉铃虫危害并已在全球推广应用,但其杀虫功效的表达并不稳定。本文总结了Bt棉中杀虫功效变化机制、影响抗虫性表达的因素、农艺措施调节杀虫功效等方面的研究进展。为了促进Bt棉抗虫性表达潜力,将来的研究可以通过农艺手段提高Bt杀虫蛋白合成能力和降低降解能力,从而保持Bt棉花具有高的杀虫能力。
Bt insecticidal efficacy variation and agronomic regulation in Bt cotton
LIU Zhenyu, ELTAYIB H M. A. Abidallha, WU Huimin, ZHOU Mingyuan, ZHANG Xiang, CHEN Yuan and CHEN Dehua
The bollworm can be controlled effectively with Bacillus thuringiensistransgenic cotton (Bt cotton) which is being applied worldwide. However, the insecticidal efficacy is not stable. Here we give a summary of research progress for the mechanism of the altered insecticidal efficacy, factors affecting the expression of insect resistance, agronomic practices on regulation of insecticidal efficacy in Bt cotton. To realize the transgenic potential of Bt cotton cultivars, future research may be conducted by increasing synthesis and reducing degradation of Bt protein to maintain high insecticidal ability in the transgenic cotton by agronomic management.
Journal of Cotton Research. 2019, 2: 23
发布日期: 2019-12-24