RAZZAQ Abdul, ZAFAR Muhammad Mubashar, ALI Arfan, HAFEEZ Abdul, BATOOL Wajeeha,石玉真,巩万奎,袁有禄
摘要:棉花(Gossypium spp.)对其种植国的经济有举足轻重的贡献。巴基斯坦是仅次于中国、美国和印度的第四大棉花生产国,其常年棉花平均产量约为570.99 kg.hm-2。气候变化和各类生物胁迫容易造成棉花减产,转基因技术在解决这些问题上具有独特的优势。然而,如何通过遗传修饰使棉花具有持久的抗虫性,仍然是一个巨大的挑战。转基因棉花的开发应用已经取得明显成效,但其有效性受种质的异质性、种子纯度、品种推广、回交以及伦理的因素的限制。巴基斯坦棉花生物技术研究和应用始于1992-1993年,其重点是提高棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuV)抗性及其抗虫性和纤维品质。本文综述了分子标记、QTL、GWAS和基因克隆等技术在棉花生产国尤其是在巴基斯坦棉花种质创新和品种改良中的应用状况。
Title: Cotton germplasm improvement and progress in Pakistan
Authors: RAZZAQ Abdul, ZAFAR Muhammad Mubashar, ALI Arfan, HAFEEZ Abdul, BATOOL Wajeeha, SHI Yuzhen, GONG Wankui & YUAN Youlu
Abstract: Cotton (Gossypium spp.) contributes significantly to the economy of cotton-producing countries. Pakistan is the fourth-largest producer of cotton after China, the USA and India. The average yield of cotton is about 570.99 kg hm -2 in Pakistan. Climate change and different biotic stresses are causing reduction in cotton production. Transgenic approaches have unique advantage to tackle all these problems. However, how to confer permanent resistance in cotton against insects through?genetic modification, is still a big challenge to address. Development of transgenic cotton has been proven to be effective. But its effectiveness depends upon several factors, including heterogeneity, seed purity, diffusion of varieties, backcrossing and ethical concerns. Cotton biotechnology was initiated in Pakistan in 1992–1993 with a focus on acquiring cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV)-resistant insect-resistant, and improving fiber quality. This review summarizes the use of molecular markers, QTLs, GWAS,?and gene cloning for cotton germplasm improvement, particularly in Pakistan.
Journal of Cotton Research. 2021, 4:1
发布日期: 2021-01-13