

摘要:棉花是世界上最重要的纤维作物和油料作物之一,干旱和倒伏对棉花的产量以及纤维品质都有不利影响。近期,陕西师范大学肖光辉团队在《Nature Communications》发表文章,认为改善根系向重力性是提高棉株抗旱性和抗倒伏胁迫的有效途径。本刊主编李付广研究员对该文进行了评述,认为根系向重力性的发生和形成方面的最新进展可为提高棉花抗旱性和抗倒伏性提供新的思路。

Title: Towards improving drought resistance and lodging resistance in cotton
Author: LI Fuguang
Cotton is one of the most important fiber and oil crop in the world and the fiber yield as well as quality traits are negatively affected by drought and lodging. Improving root gravitropism is a very effective way to enhance the crop resistance to drought and lodging stresses. Recent advance in origin and formation of root gravitropism may provide new insights to increase drought and lodging resistance in cotton.

Journal of Cotton Research. 2019, 2: 21

发布日期: 2019-12-24    访问总数: 2151