2016―2022 年新疆绿洲高品质棉花生产现状及加快建设高品质棉花种植带对策研究(Ⅰ)
毛树春, 于小新, 葛群, 王雪姣, 郑艺, 买文选, 宋妮, 田立文, 王占彪
Research on the current situation of high quality cotton production in Xinjiang Oasis in 2016-2022 and countermeasures to accelerate the construction of high quality cotton planting belt (Ⅰ)
Mao Shuchun, Yu Xiaoxin, Ge Qun, Wang Xuejiao, Zheng Yi, Mai Wenxuan, Song Ni, Tian Liwen , Wang Zhanbiao
中国棉花 . 2024, (5): 1 -8 .  DOI: 10.11963/cc20240010