乔丹, 白冰楠, 葛群, 刘小芳, 栾玉娟, 牛皓, 龚举武, 巩万奎, 闫浩亮, 李俊文, 刘爱英, 石玉真, Elsamman Elameer, 陈全家, 袁有禄
Quantitative trait nucleotides mapping of cottonseed size-related traits and preliminary screening of candidate genes
Qiao Dan, Bai Bingnan, Ge Qun, Liu Xiaofang, Luan Yujuan, Niu Hao, Gong Juwu, Gong Wankui, Yan Haoliang, Li Junwen, Liu Aiying, Shi Yuzhen, Elsamman Elameer, Chen Quanjia , Yuan Youlu
中国棉花 . 2024, (4): 25 -34 .  DOI: 10.11963/cc20230166