加快建设农业强国 / 棉花强国的思考———走适度规模、质量兴棉和绿色兴棉的高质量可持续发展之路
毛树春, 杜远仿, 张宁宁, 李鹏程, 冯璐, 程思贤, 马小艳, 田立文, 王占彪
Reflections on accelerating the building of China’s strength in agriculture/cotton—Taking the way of moderate scale, high quality cotton prosperity and green cotton prosperity
for high quality and sustainable development
Mao Shuchun, Du Yuanfang, Zhang Ningning, Li Pengcheng, Feng Lu, Cheng Sixian, Ma Xiaoyan, Tian Liwen, Wang Zhanbiao
中国棉花 . 2024, (4): 1 -8 .  DOI: 10.11963/cc20230177