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Genome-wide association study of cotton lint percentage and boll weight
Du Xiao, Long Yilei, Tan Yanping, Li Lili, Wang Yin, Jin Shen, Yang Yinan, Ai Xiantao
Cotton Science, 2024, 36(6): 455-473.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20240018

Fig. 4 Analysis of the LP-related QTL qLP-Gh5.18 on chromosome A05 A: Manhattan plot of association mapping of LP based on BLUP value in GLM (Q) model. Chromosomes 1 to 13 represent chromosomes A01 to A13, and 14 to 26 represent chromosomes D01 to D13. B: Localized Manhattan plot around the peak region on chromosome A05, with red arrows indicating snp497745. C: Boxplot of LP based on the snp497745 genotype. Significance analysis was performed; **** represent significance at the 0.000 1 probability level. D: LD heat map of SNP in the 108.85-109.11 Mb interval.
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