Figure/Table detail

Effects of exogenous methyl jasmonate on cotton tolerance to heat stress during flowering and boll-setting stage
Xie Xianyun, Feng Changhui, Wang Xiaogang, Xia Songbo, Zhang Jiaohai, Zhang Youchang, Wang Qiongshan, Qin Hongde, Bie Shu
Cotton Science, 2023, 35(5): 365-377.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20230017

处理Treatment 0 d 1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 5 d 6 d 7 d 8 d 9 d
CK 90.3 ab 89.9 ab 91.6 ab 84.6 bc 82.2 bc 76.1 bc 36.4 f 33.3 f 50.9 e 78.0 bc
T1 91.6 ab 92.2 ab 92.9 a 86.6 ab 84.8 b 75.9 c 65.7 cd 59.6 de 73.8 c 80.5 bc
T2 90.9 ab 90.4 ab 89.1 ab 83.5 bc 82.4 bc 75.4 c 68.7 cd 63.5 d 72.8 cd 75.9 c
T3 92.1 a 89.7 ab 88.2 ab 88.3 ab 79.7 bc 78.4 bc 62.2 d 61.0 de 72.1 cd 78.0 bc
Table 1 Variation of pollen viability of cotton under heat stress in different treatments of MeJA %
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