Figure/Table detail

Effects of planting pattern and irrigation quota on growth and development, yield, and fiber quality of cotton
Li Gangqiang, Lü Tingbo, Wang Jiulong, Fu Xinfa, Liu Yifan, Bian Menghan
Cotton Science, 2024, 36(6): 513-524.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20230058

处理Treatment Pn/(μmol·m-2·s-1) Gs/(mmol·m-2·s-1) Ci/(μmol·m-2·s-1) Tr/(mmol·m-2·s-1) LWUE/(μmol·mmol-1)
M1W1 18.27±0.70 d 586.33±37.23 cd 195.33±10.02 b 5.50±0.26 d 3.33±0.19 c
M1W2 22.63±0.95 c 606.67±14.01 bcd 232.67±10.41 a 5.97±0.38 bc 3.80±0.31 b
M1W3 25.23±0.83 b 616.00±27.00 bc 255.33±8.74 a 6.33±0.25 ab 3.99±0.12 b
M2W1 22.13±0.57 c 512.67±18.56 d 194.00±9.54 b 5.70±0.36 bc 3.89±0.21 b
M2W2 31.20±0.80 a 750.67±72.97 a 256.00±18.36 a 6.77±0.45 a 4.62±0.26 a
M2W3 24.53±0.67 b 696.33±81.21 ab 244.67±14.57 a 6.33±0.21 ab 3.87±0.07 b
Table 2 Photosynthetic properties of cotton leaf under different treatments
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