Effects of Population Density of Bolboschoenus planiculmis on the Absorption and Accumulation of Cotton Nutrients
Cai Xiaohu,Lin Ping,Shi Yahui,Han Rui,Zhang Yudong,Wu Na,Wang Jungang
Effects of Population Density of Bolboschoenus planiculmis on the Absorption and Accumulation of Cotton Nutrients
[Objective] The aim of this study is to clarify the competition of the absorption and accumulation of nutrients in cotton by the Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F. Schmidt) T. V. Egorova. [Method] In this experiment, the population densities of B. planiculmis were set at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 plant·m-2. The contents of phosphorus, potassium, nitrate nitrogen, soluble sugar and soluble protein in cotton seedling stage, bud stage and flowering and boll stage were detected to study the effect of population density of B. planiculmis on the nutrient absorption and accumulation of cotton. [Result] At the cotton seedling stage, when the population density of B. planiculmis was 20 plants·m-2, the soluble protein content of cotton leaves increased significiantly (P<0.05) compared with the CK, but there was no significant difference in other indicators. However, the higher population density of B. planiculmis could reduce the soluble protein content of cotton leaves and increase the soluble sugar content of cotton leaves. At the cotton bud stage, when the population density of B. planiculmis was lower than 40 plants·m-2, the phosphorus content in cotton leaves increased significantly. At the cotton boll stage, the population density of all B. planiculmis populations could reduce the content of potassium and soluble sugar in cotton leaves. When the population density of B. planiculmis was 20 plants·m-2, no significant effects were found on cotton yield. But under other population densities, the cotton yield was significantly reduced. [Conclusion] When the population density of B. planiculmis was higher than 20 plants·m-2, significant effects were found on the absorption and accumulation of cotton nutrients and cotton yield.
cotton / Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F. Schmidt) T. V. Egorova / density / nutrition / competition {{custom_keyword}} /
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