Mianhua Xuebao ISSN 1002£7807 CN41£1163/S
Cotton Science 2008£¬Vol. 20£¬No.3£¬May 15
£¨163£©Tagging and Mapping of QTL for Yield and its Components in Upland Cotton £¨Gossypium hirsutum L.£© Population with Varied Lint Percentage
……………………………………………LI Cheng-qi, GUO Wang-zhen, MA Xiao-ling, et al
£¨170£©Comparative Analysis of Heritability and Heterosis of Main Economic Traits of High Fiber Quality Varieties Crossed with Different Types in Upland Cotton( Gossypium hirsutum L.)
………………………………………………TANG Fei-yu, CHENG Jin, HUANG Wen-xin, et al
£¨174£©Study on a New Rapid Inoculation Method for Verticillium wilt and Fusarium wilt of Cotton
………………………………………………………PENG Shan,L¨¹ Xue-lian, GAO Feng, et al
£¨179£©Molecular Marker and QTL of Yield-related Traits in Transgenic Insect-resistant Cotton Varieties
………………………………………ZHANG Jian-hong£¬WANG Shu-fang£¬SHI Yu-zhen£¬et al
£¨186£©Effect of Protein Elicitor from Alternaria Tenuissima on Main Characters of Cotton and Enzymatic Protection System of Plant
…………………………………………ZHANG Zhi-gang£¬QIU De-wen£¬GUAN Chun-yun£¬et al
£¨192£©Primary QTL Mapping of Upland Cotton RIL CRI-G6 by SSR Marker
……………………………………… ZHANG Xian-liang£¬WANG Kun-bo£¬SONG Guo-li£¬et al
£¨198£©Effects of Mixture of DPC and DTA-6 on Yield, Yield Components and Lint Quality of Transgenic Bt Cotton
…………………………………………………FAN Xi-feng, ZHOU Yong, TIAN Xiao-li, et al
£¨203£©Combined Effects of Waterlogging and Salinity on Plant Growth and Some Physiological Parameters in Cotton Seedling Leaves
………………………………………………LUO Zhen, DONG He-zhong, LI Wei-jiang, et al
£¨207£©Studies on Morphometrics and Cytological Features of Cotton £¨ Gossypium hirsutum £© Dwarfing Strains
……………………………………………FENG Xiu-min ,LIU Ai-yu ,CHEN Jin-xiang, et al
£¨212£©Effect of Sand Priming on the NaCl Tolerance of Seed of Transgenic Insect Resistant Cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.)
…………………………………………JIANG Yu-rong, SUN Yu-qiang, TONG Xu-hong, et al
£¨217£©Hyperspectral Estimating Modelings of Cotton LAI and the Above-ground Dry Matter Accumulation
…………………………………………MA Qin-jian, WANG Deng-wei, HUANG Chun-yan,et al
£¨223£©Molecular Biology Research Advance on Cotton Reproductive Organ Development
……………………………………………………ZHOU Tao£¬ZHANG Rui£¬MENG Zhi-gang£¬et al
£¨231£©Method Comparison of Total RNA Isolation for Young Cotton Buds
……………………………………………………………SONG Yang£¬WU Qiao-wen, GUO San-dui
£¨235£©Study on the Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum of Cotton Using New Hybrids between G. barbadense and G. hirsutum
…………………………………………………………LIU Ze-hui, WU Gang, SHUI Yong, et al
£¨239£©Dynamics of Carbohydrate and Pigment Content During Fiber Development in Brown-colored Cotton
…………………………………………HUA Shui-jin£¬WANG Xue-de£¬ZHAO Xiang-qian£¬et al