棉 花 学 报   Cotton Science   2010,22(5):505-508



Nutrition Elements Content in Leaves and Its Correlation to Yield of Different Cotton Cultivars in Northern Xinjiang
LIN Hai-rong, LÜ Xin*, HAN Chun-li
(The Key Laboratory of Oasis Eco-agriculture Xinjiang Production and Construction Group, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003, China )

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the nutrition elements content of N,P,K,B,Cu, and Zn in leaves and to analyze its correlation to yield of different cotton cultivars in northern Xinjiang. The results showed that there were significant differences in the content of N, K, B, Cu , and Zn in leaves at flowering stage among different cultivars. All the element content of Shiza 2 plants was the highest , that of Wanshi 217 was the lowest. The content of of N, K, B, Cu, and Zn in leaves of Shiza 2 plants and Xinluzao 26 plants were higher than that of Biaoza A1 and Xinluzao 33 at flowering stage ( P<0.05), respertirely, and the difference between content of Biaoza A1 and Xinluzao 33 was not significant. There was no significant difference in the element content of N,P,K, and B in different cultivars at boll opening stage. But there were significant differences in the content of Cu, Zn. Both seed cotton yield and lint yield were significantly positive related to N and K content in leaves at flowering stage. The positive correlation of cotton yields and the B content in cotton leaves at flowering and boll opening stages were highly significant.
Key words: cotton; nutrition element; yield    [Full Text, 264KB]