ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2010£¬22£¨5£©£º501-504
Analysis on the Inheritance of Resistance to Verticillium Wilt of Zhongzhimian KV-3 Abstract£ºThe inheritance of resistance to Verticillium wilt of G. hirsutum cultivar Zhongzhimian KV-3 was studied by crossed between the susceptible strain KV9-1 and the resistant one Zhongzhimian KV-3, then the disease resistances of the populations of P1, P2, F1, BC1, BC2, and F2 generations were identified in the Verticillium dahliae nursery. Investigation and statistic of the resistant performance of the six generations were used to analyse the inheritance of Verticillium wilt resistance of Zhongzhimian KV-3. The results indicated that resistance of Zhongzhimian KV-3 to Verticillium might be controlled by a dominant gene and two additive genes, and the additive effect is more important. The individual performs disease resistance when the two additive genes simultaneously exist, while other individual performs disease tolerance when only one additive gene exists. When there exists none of the two genes, the individual performs disease susceptibility.