ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2010£¬22£¨5£©£º454-459
Effects of N Fertilize Strategies on Chlorophyll Content in Leaf of Cotton under Mulch-film Drip Irrigation Abstract: Field trail about the effects on the environment of crop land in cotton at different irrigation and different strategies of fertilizing under mulch-film drip irrigation was carried out in south Xinjiang, used chlorophyll meter SPAD-502 to measure SPAD value in cotton leaves and to analyze the relationship between chlorophyll SPAD values and cotton yield. The results showed that, at the whole growing period, to dynamic trend, peak and accumulation of chlorophyll SPAD values were different with different strategies of fertilizing. In the budding stage and flowerring stage, the accumulation of chlorophyll SPAD values were influenced by strategiess of fertilizing, but in the bolling stage, the influence was not remarkable. There were significant linear correlations between chlorophyll SPAD values and cotton yield, the higher the content of chlorophyll, the higher the yield. Excessive irrigation may not give high yield at optimum fertilization and strategy of fertilizing.