ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2010£¬22£¨5£©£º422-429
Genetic and Variation of Main Fiber Traits of the Germplasm with Different Boll Weight Types Abstract: Six F2 populations with same female parent S9708 as that of CCRI 48 and different male parents with different boll weight were made. Their parents, F1 and F2 populations were planted in 2006 while the F2 population of CCRI 48 was also grown in 2005. Traits of boll weight, lint percentage and fiber quality in these populations were analyzed by using SAS 8.0 software. The result showed: All fiber traits were highly significant in all F2 populations. The coefficients of variation for boll weight and micronaire were higher among the six populations. It indicated boll weight and fiber micronaire had a greater degree of genetic variation. The variation coefficients of lint percentage and fiber strength were 6%~9%. While the variation coefficients of fiber length, elongation and fiber uniformity were less. So the selection method for offspring of boll weight, lint percentage and fiber quality should be different. It is important to select the germplasm with big boll, high lint percentage, better fiber quality during the procession of parent selection in the heterosis.