ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2010£¬22£¨2£©£º181-185
Varietal Comparison of Some Fibre Quality Traits of Cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) under Different Row Spacings Abstract:A field trial was conducted at Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture , Faisalabad during cotton season 2006-07 to compare quality traits among three varieties of upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L) under varying row spacings. The treatments were comprised of three row spacings viz. 60, 75 and 90 cm and three cotton cultivars viz. NIAB-111, CIM-496 and FH-901. Data thus collected were statistically analyzed by conducting analysis of variance. The experimental results revealed that row spacing significantly affected the ginning out turn, while fibre length, fibre strength, fibre uniformity and fibre fineness remained unaffected. The varieties differed significantly in fibre length, fibre strengthand fibre fineness while ginning out turn and fibre uniformity remained unaffected.