ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2010£¬22£¨2£©£º125-131
The Effect of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on the Physiological Indicator, Quality and Yield of Cotton Abstract: The objectives of this research were to study the influences of enhanced ultraviolet radiation (UV-B, 280¡«320 nm) on physiological indicator, yield and quality of cotton fiber under cropland conditions. Through increasing UV-B radiation, with 0 W¡¤m-2 (R0)¡¢0.5 W¡¤m-2 (R1)¡¢1W¡¤m-2 (R2)¡¢1.5W¡¤m-2£¨R3£©for the four processing, the effects of enhancing Ultraviolet-B radiation on chlorophyll content, soluble protein and free proline content of cotton leaves were studied. With the increase in UV-B radiation, chlorophyll content and soluble protein content increased at first and decreased afier then.The relative content of proline was elevated, yield and quality of cotton decreased significantly. Enhancing UV-B radiation resulted in damage to cotton. When the radiation exceeds the threshold of cotton plant, led to the greater injury, resulted in the quality and cotton production reduce at last.