ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º431-·âÈý
Growth Traits and Simulating Dynamics of N,P,K Accumulation of Hybrid Cotton in South Xinjiang Abstract£ºThe systematic study was employed to study the growth characteristics and the accumulation law of N, P, K nutrients. Three treatments were designed in cotton fields including low-yield, medium-yield, high-yield cottons. Results showed that the stem length of high-yield cotton had no such changes with medium-yield and low-yield cottons£¬but the stem increase of high-yield cotton stopped before medium and low yield cottons. The numbers of total bolls for medium and low yield cottons were much lower than the high-yield, and the spatial distribution of bolls for the high-yield cotton was more reasonable. The accumulations of N, P2O5, K2O in cotton plant could be described by the Logistic curve equation. Compared to the medium and low yield cottons, the fast increase period and the sustained time of the high-yield cotton were obviously discrepant. The total accumulations of Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium for the high-yield cotton were 515.3, 126.4, 591.9 kg¡¤hm-2£¬respectively. Compared to the medium and low yield cottons, the nutrient coordination of the high-yield cotton was better, and the total uptake nutrient was more. These showed that it is possible to achieve large-scale high-yield cotton by reasonable application of cultural factors in the South Xinjiang cotton district.