ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º415-419
Analysis on Combining Ability and Genetic Effects between Super Fibre Varieties and Insect-resistant Transgenic Varieties in Upland Cotton Abstract£ºCombining ability and genetic effects of yield and fiber quality characters were investigated by way of 10¡Á6 NCII cross design with 10 super fiber varieties and 6 insect-resistant transgenic varieties. The results showed that, Bt gene was dominant inheritance in F1 hybrids. A8 showed the best general combining ability (GCA) in yield characters, A4expressed the best GCA in fiber quality characters. Combinations of A7¡Á B5, A6¡ÁB1 expressed higher specific combining ability(SCA). But the GCA of parents and SCA of combination have no significant correlation. Genetic effects analysis showed that the additive variation was principal in boll weight (BW), lint percentage (LP), span length (SL), fiber strength (FS), elongation rate (ER). While seed cotton yield (SCY) and lint yield (LY) mainly by their interactions. SL, BW and FS had high narrow heritability (HN2), while SCY and LY were had low HN2.