ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º399-404
Studies on the Inheritance of Verticillium wilt Resistance in CCRI 12 and its Utilization in Cotton Breeding Abstract£ºTwo cultivars of Gossypium barbadense and five upland cotton (G. hirsutum ) cultivars were used to cross with CCRI 12, and 14 hybrids and its F1 and F2 populations were produced. The inheritance and its utilization of CCRI 12 in breeding program for Verticillium wilt resistance were studied in this experiment, using the method of seedling inoculation. The results showed that, for the combinations used CCRI 12 as paternal parent, the ratio of the resistant and susceptible seedlings in F2 were done according with the 3©U1 separation law, which indicated that the Verticillium wilt resistance in G.barbadense was a qualitatively inherited trait controlled by singly dominant gene, as well as the tolerant trait in upland cotton cultivars. However, for those using CCRI 12 as female parent, the frequency of the resistant seedlings was much higher than those using CCRI 12 as paternal parent, and more than 90% of seedlings in the F ª 2 populations were disease resistant ones, which was out of the separation law greatly. It indicated that there were some disease resistant substances in the cytoplasm in CCRI 12, the inheritance of the Verticillium wilt resistance in CCRI 12 was like that of cytoplasm genetic characters. The present research work indicated that the parent selection and cross method were very important in Verticillium wilt resistant cotton breeding program, and CCRI 12 is a very special germplasm in cotton breeding for Verticillium wilt resistance.