ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º394-398
Genetic Evaluation of Introgression Line 6 and Identification of the Introgressed Segments Abstract£ºA material when a foreign chromosome is replaced into the background parent chromosome is called substitution line. Whereas, a material chromosome segments are replaced, is called introgression line. F2 and F2:3 populations of (TM-1¡ÁIL6) were constructed with the background parent TM-1 and introgression line 6(IL6) of chromosome 6 of island cotton 3-79. We investigated 18 important agronomic traits in two years' field experiment and made a genetic evaluation. Besides, molecular data of F2 population were obtained and QTL mapping and single marker analysis were carried out. Segments introgressed into IL6 included chromosome 6, non-chromosome 6 of 3-79 and most TM-1. Yield and quality traits of IL6 parent were more excellent than TM-1. Likewise, a genetic analysis was made and alleles increasing genetic effects from IL6 were found. It means that segments introgressed into IL6 play a crucial part. Agronomic traits and genetic analysis indicated that there were major genes controlling total bolls at full-growing stage, boll numbers per plant, lint percent, fruit branches per plant, fiber strength and the micronaire in the segments. QTL mapping and single marker analysis showed that there were QTLs controlling boll numbers per plant, lint percent, fruit branches per plant, plant height, seed index and uniformity ratio in the segments.