ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º378-382
Effects of Nitrogen Rate and Fertigation Frequency on Nitrogen Uptake and Yield of Hybrid Cotton Abstract£ºEffects of nitrogen rate and fertigation frequency on nitrogen uptake and yield of hybrid cotton were investigated through field experiment under drip irrigation conditions. The experiment comprised six treatments, with three nitrogen (N) rates (270, 360 and 450 kg¡¤hm-2) and two fertigation frequencies (5 and 10 d). It was found that nitrogen rate and fertigation frequency significantly influenced nitrogen accumulation, dry mass and yield of hybrid cotton. Under 360 and 270 kg¡¤hm-2 of N rates, fertigation frequency with 5 d promoted cotton growth and induced a significant increase in N accumulation and dry mass of hybrid cotton, but there were not statistically different between two fertigation frequency treatments for 450 kg¡¤hm-2 of N level. It is recommended that increasing fertigation frequency could enhance yield of hybrid cotton in critical period of water and nutrition supply.