ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º371-377
Effects of Source and Sink Manipulation on Transportation and Allocation of Leaf Photosynthetic Products during Flowering and Boll-Setting Stage in High-yield Cotton of Xinjiang Abstract£ºSelected cotton cultivars of different genotypes as experimental materials,the effects of leaf ª² cutting and bud-thinning on photosynthetic rate,partitioning of 14C-assimilate and yield during flowering and boll-setting stage in high-yield cotton were studied.The results indicated that when leaves were cutted 1/4 at anthesis,the photosyntetic rate and the percentage 14C-assimilate of export and partitioning in boll of Xinluzao 13 at full bolling and boll opening stages increased.Conclusively,seed cotton yield and fiber quality had no obvious difference with those of control.However,the photosynthetic rate and photosynthesis products accumulation of aerial part of BiaozaA1 did not change when buds were thinned 1/4 at anthesis,but the speed of export and distribution percentage 14C-assimilates in boll increased,so the seed cotton yield exceeed that of control.These results suggest that it would be of great importance to regulate the relationship of source sink through the key cultivation techniques,according to different responses to the change of source and sink among varieties to obain super high yield and stable yield in Xinjiang.