ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º366-370
The Effect of CpTI Cotton to Microbial Flora in Rhizosphere Soil Abstract£ºWidely growing of transgenic plant may be accompanied by ecological effects including changes in plant-associated with micro-flora. People pay more attention to environment risk assessment of transgenic plant. Most researches on Bt cotton have focused on invasiveness, gene flow to indigenous organisms, development of resistance in target pests, and direct or indirect effects on non-target organisms and ecosystem.Some research have focused on the evaluation of ecological effects of Bt cotton on microbial flora. But a few studies have been published to evaluate the ecological effects of CpTI cotton on microbial flora.Four CpTI cotton lines and their contrasts £¨non-CpTI cotton£© were monitored for changes in total bacterial, actinomycetic and fungal population in 2006 and 2007.The results showed that the total bacterial, actinomycetic and fungal population of CpTI cotton and non- CpTI cotton changed in different growing period. The total bacterial population reached the maximum in flowering-bolling stage. So did the total actinomycetic and fungal population between budding stage and flowering-bolling stage. After that they declined gradually along with the decrepitude of cotton. The total bacterial population of CpTI cotton was significantly higher than that of non- CpTI cotton, especially in seedling stage and flowering-bolling stage. So did the total actinomycetic population of CpTI cotton from seedling stage to boll-opening stage.But the total fungal population was remarkably lower than that of non- CpTI cotton, especially in boll- opening stage.