ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2009£¬21(5)£º351-355
The Construction of cDNA Library from Cotton Seed Abstract£ºSMART technique was used to construct the full length cDNA library of cotton seed. Total RNA was isolated from sea-island cotton embryo about 25-35 days. Full length ds-cDNA (Double-strained complement DNA) was amplified by using 21 round LD-PCR£¨Long-distance PCR£©. After Sfi ¢ñ digestion and Chroma spin-400 fractionation, cDNAs (>500 bp) were ligated to pDNR-Lib vector and transformed to DH10B afterward. The total clones of the library was measured to be 5¡Á106 with a titer of 1.5¡Á108cfu¡¤mL-1. The inserted fragments ranged from 0.5 kb to 2.5 kb, and the recombinant rate of the library was about 100£¥. 180 monoclones were selected to sequence, and 13 EST concerned with lipid metabolism were identified. These results show that the cDNA library can be used for screening genes of fatty acid metabolism.