ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨     Cotton Science      2009£¬21(3)£º252-254



BAC Library Construction of 18R, A Fertility Restorer Line for Gossypium hirsutum Cytoplasmic Male Sterility
ZHOU Tao£¬GUO Hong-yuan£¬ZHANG Rui£¬LIANG Cheng-zhen£¬SHI Ya-li£¬GUO San-dui*
( Biotechnology Research Institute£¬Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences/National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement£¬Beijing 100081£¬China )

Abstract£ºGossypium hirsutum 18R, the male parent of transgenic three lines insect-resistant hybrid cotton Yinmian 2, is an excellent fertility restorer line for cotton cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). Its agriculture characters are outstanding, on the other hand, its fertility restore rate for cotton CMS is 100%. It's important material for cotton three lines research. We constructed a high quality bacterial chromosome (BAC) library of 18R with pCC1BAC( Bam HI) cloning vector, the library included 139200 clones. Analysis showed that the inserted DNA size of BAC library ranged from 50 to 200 kb, the inserted DNA size of 91% clones ranged from 80 kb to 150 kb, averaged 102 kb. The empty clone was less than 2% in the library. The library size was equivalent to 6.3 times cotton genome size.
Key words£ºcotton£»18R£»fertility restorer line£»bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library
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