ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2008 £¬ 20(6) £º 431-435
Yield and Maturity Performance of Bt Transgenic Cotton Varieties and Their Response to Removal of Early Fruiting Branches in a Coastal Saline Field Abstract£ºOur previous report has indicated that current Bt transgenic cotton varieties can be divided into two types£¬the early-developed (ED) and the late-developed type (LD)£¬according to their maturity performance. In the present experiments, cotton cultivars, SCR 17 or SCR 21(ED type), SCR 18 or SCR 22 (LD type), and 01H00 or 01H01 (hybrids of the two types) were planted in a coastal saline field in Dongying in 2006 and 2007. The effects of removal of early fruiting branches (EFB) on yield and maturity performance were examined. It was shown that, there existed significant differences between ED and LD cotton in earliness and maturity performance. Hybrids (ED ¡Á LD) produced 5.7%~14.5% and 4.7%-6.8% more lint in 2006 and 2007, respectively, and exhibited better maturity performance than ED and LD. Removal of EFB increased lint yields by 5.6%-8.4% and considerably delayed premature senescence in the ED type, but lint yield of the LD type was decreased by 9.3%-13.1% with EFB removal and maturity was delayed. It was concluded that planting hybrids of ED ¡Á LD and EFB removal for early-developed cotton plants might be potential ways to delay premature senescence and increase yield of cotton in saline fields.