棉 花 学 报     Cotton Science   2008,20(1):70-72


Gene Location of Main Traits in Specific Chromosome or Chromosome Arms of G.Barbadense by Using Chromosome Substitution Lines
LUAN Ming-bao,GUO Xiang-mo*,ZHANG Yong-shan,YAO Jin-bo,LIU Hai-ju,CHU Li
(Cotton Research Institute,CAAS,Key Laboratory of Cotton Genetics Improvement,Ministry of Agriculture, Anyang,Henan 455000,China)

Abstract:It is very valuable to locate specific chromosome or chromosome arms with genes for agronomic traits, Verticilium wilt and fiber quality using chromosome substitution lines. The results reViewed that the chromosome 1 from 3-79 can increase plant height, chromosomes 16,and 26Lo, can improve Verticillium wilt resistance, chromosomes 16,17,18,and 4, reduced boll number per plant, and chromosomes 22Lo,22Sh, 16,11Sh,26Lo, can increase lint percentage. Many chromosomes can reduce boll weight. For fiber quality performance, chromosomes 14Sh and 26Lo increased fiber length, chromosomes 14Sh,15Sh increased fiber strength; chromosome 4 reduced micronaire and chromosomes 22Sh,16,22Lo, as well as 11Sh increased elongation. The results provided information in trait performance related to substituted chromosomes or chromosome arms.
Key words:upland cotton;G.barbadense;agronomic traits;substitution lines;chromosome location
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