棉 花 学 报    Cotton Science   2007,19(3):227-232


Study on Physiology Characters and High Yielding Capacity of CCRI 45 with Transgenic Double Genes (Bt+CpTI) Cotton
YU Shu-xun,SONG Mei-zhen,FAN Shu-li,YUAN ri-hong,HUANG zheng-mao
(Cotton Research InstituteChinese Academy of Agriculture ScienceKey Laboratory of Cotton Genetic ImprovementMinistry of Agriculture,nyangHe′nan 455004,China)

Abstract:Used insect resistant cotton 33B and sGK 321 as check,we studied yield and fiber quality characters,physiology and biochemical traits,agronomy traits of CCRI 45 with transgenic double genes (Bt+CpTI) cotton. The results showed that the nutrition growth speed of CCRI 45 were lower than that of 33B and sGK 321,but the reproductive growth speed of CCRI 45 were higher;The CAT and POD activities of CCRI 45 were higher than sGK 321,but lower than 33B;The SOD activities and the chlorophyll contents of CCRI 45 were the highest in the three varieties,but the MDA content of CCRI 45 was the lowest. These results showed that CCRI 45 had strong antioxidant capacity. CCRI 45 had more bolls,bigger boll and higher of the lint percentage than the other two varieties. There -fore,the cotton yield and the fiber quality of CCRI 45 was highest in the three varieties. Because of good characters,the harmony development,the higher function of leaves and the earliness with no senescence,CCRI 45 had high yielding capacity and anti-resistant.
Key words:CCRI 45;high yield;antioxidant system enzymes.   [Full Text,2361KB]