ÃÞ»¨Ñ§±¨ Cotton Science 2005£¬17(3)£º160-164
Study on the Cotton Field Multiple Cropping Modeland Its Comprehensive Effect Resistant to Hail Calamity Abstract£ºHail is one of the main natural calamities in Xinjiang£®Although the artificial method is used for removing and abating disaster loss caused by hail at present£¬this means can not be valid completely£®Hail results in tremendous economy decrease of crop land each year£¬specially in Southern Xinjiang's cotton fields£®The Period of hail happening high frequency is through May to August in Southern Xinjiang£®At this period£¬cotton has been gotten into the middle growth stage£¬cotton buds and bolls have emerged£®Once cotton field suffers disaster by hail£¬the yield of cotton decreased or cotton field is completely ruined£®Hence£¬this study started with multiple cropping models in cotton field£»aims at the present sit uation of low stress resistance ability of single cropping model£®The new multiple cropping model is the¡®winter wheat||spinach£¯cotton¡ªsoybean(or water melon)¡¯£®The results showed that it could use the light and heat quantity in high effect£¬increase the comprehensive benefit£®The year-round lightutilization ratio of the model attained 0.54£¥£¬which lifts 184.2£¥ more than that of single crop ping of cotton£®Moreover£¬the utilization ratios of climate resources£¬such as solar radiation sunshine figure and so on£¬all lift over 71.6£¥ compared with the single cropping of cotton£®The utilization ratioof growing period is up to 137£¥ and lifts 71.3£¥ compared with ordinary cotton£®Being suffered seri ous hail calamity£¬the pattern still got total output value 18998.7 yuan per hectre£®It was not only raised by l2.5£¥ compared with regular single cropping cotton£¬but also 145.9£¥ higher than single cropping suffered disaster caused by hail£®Although the mean net income of this pattern is 20.2£¥ lower than cotton fields which were not suffered hail calamity£¬it is more than cotton field of single cropping and sewing again the corn cropland which are suffered hail far away£®At the same time£¬the net income of the model was increased by 29.8£¥ over the model¡°wheat¡ªcorn¡±£®