ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨ Cotton Science 2005£¬17(3)£º137-140
The Expression and Anatomical Observation of the Delayed Pigment Gland Abstract£ºA new upland germplasm with the delayed gland morphogenesis trait of G. bickii, ABH0318, was bred by crossing the amphidiploid of (G. arboreum ¡Á G. bickii)F1 with an upland cotton germplasm ¡®Gl2Gl2gl3gl3 ¡¯and backcrossing afterward continuously. There were a few pigment glands on the edges of the cotyledons in the dormant seeds under the anatomical lens, although they were invisible to the naked eyes. Anatomical structure observation shown that there were three kinds of pigment gland structures in the dormant seeds of ABH-0318: (1) gland primodiums as the structures of the dormant seeds in G. bickii only which had the pigment gland structure but no gland lumen inside£¬and these structures occupied as much as 50% of the total glands or gland structure in the seeds£»(2)semideveloped pigment glands which were small in size and there were not any materials in the gland lumen, occupied about 25% of the total glands or gland structures; and (3) the normal pigment glands distributed on the edges of the cotyledons and about 25% of the totals. After the seed germination, the gland cells in the lst kind of the gland structures were disintegrated to form the gland lumens and developed normal glands rapidly. However, there were no any significant changes in structure for the 2nd and 3rd kinds of glands in the cotyledons during the germination.