棉 花 学 报   Cotton Science   2005,17(1):33-36


Studies on Cotton Cultivars Slower Verticillium Wilt
JIAN Gui-liang,LU Mei-guang,WANG Can-zhu
(Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS, Beijing 100094, China)

Abstract:The cotton cultivars slower Verticillium wilt had been studied through selected cotton plants of different cultivars in Verticillium infected field during the cotton growing period in Litai, experiment station of Xinxiang county, Henan province The cotton plants Verticillium wilt variance and their production construction were studied. The results showed that the disease development was slower and there was less influence on production in some cultivars of tolerant or susceptive to Verticillium wilt, for example, tolerant cultivars CCRI 12, BD18, GK19,33B and some susceptive cultivars, 86-1, sGK321. In these cultivars the disease development was slower, and the early diseased plants were did not die, and their growth were less influenced, the plants were high, branches and bolls per plant were different to the health plants, and some heavy disease plants can become light disease plant. In later diseased plants, the production including the plants height , branches and bolls per plant had no difference to the health plants. But some susceptive cultivars, for example Ejing 1, don't have slower disease, When plants of these cultivars were infected by Verticillium dahliae in early, they would quickly die, and the production were greatly influenced, all the leaves, flowers, bolls were flew. So we think there are slower disease in cotton Verticillium wilt, we named that cotton slower wilt.
Key words: cotton; Verticillium wilt; slower wilt    [Full Text, 556KB]