ÃÞ »¨ ѧ ±¨    Cotton Science   2010£¬22£¨4£©£º319-325



Analysis of Genetic Variation for Fiber Quality and Yield traits in an Recombinant Inbred Population of Gossypium hirsutum L.
SUN Fu-ding, LI Jun-wen, LIU Ai-ying, SHI Yu-zhen, WANG Tao, ZHANG Jian-hong, WANG Shu-fang, YUAN You-lu*
(Cotton Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science / Key Laboratory of Cotton Genetic Improvement, Ministry of Agriculture, Anyang, Henan 455000, China)

Abstract: A RIL population with 196 F6£º8 lines was developed from an F2 population of Upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) cross of sGK9708 ¡Á 0-153. sGK9708 is the commercial transgenic variety with Bt + CpTI genes resistant to budworm, and 0-153 with high fiber quality. The RIL population were normally distributed for fiber quality and yield related traits and the range of distribution exceeded the two parents. Analysis of genetic variability indicated that the effects of the genotypes and environments were significant for the fiber quality and yield related traits. With the exception of fiber elongation, heritability estimated for fiber quality and yield related traits measured in the RIL population were high with above 0.75. Six lines could be considered as excellent germplasm with high fiber quality. A number of phenotypic correlations were observed among the fiber quality and yield related traits of the RIL population, some lines may be with positive correlation between fiber quality and yield traits. The different genetic units for the RIL population were indicated by analysis of cluster. This RIL population will be the good materials for the basic research related to fiber quality.
Key words: Upland cotton( Gossypium hirsutum L.); recombinant inbred line; yield; fiber quality;
genetic variation    [Full Text, 329KB]