棉 花 学 报      Cotton Science   2008,20(4):243-248



Characteristics of Gossypium thurberi and G.anomalum Introgression Lines of G.hirsutum Revealed by EST-SSR and gSSR
LIN Zhong-xu,WANG Jin-feng,ZHANG Xian-long*
(National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract:Eight introgression lines (ILs) of G.thurberi and G.anomalum were analyzed using EST-SSR and gSSR. The results showed that the bands detected by SSR markers could be sorted into two classes: (I) no differences between the eight ILs and Jinmian 6, the upland cotton receptor, and (II) differences among the eight ILs and Jinmian 6. In class I, five sub-classes can be identified. In class II, four sub-classes could be identified for EST-SSR: (1) bands detected in Jinmian 6 but absent in some ILs; (2) band size changed compared to Jinmian 6; (3) bands that introgressed from G.thurberi and G.anomalum while bands same as Jinmian 6 disappeared in some ILs; (4) the novel bands that differ from either the donor or the receptor appeared in some ILs, while bands size changed compared to Jinmian 6 in some other ILs. For gSSR, two additional sub-classes could be identified: (5) additional bands appeared in some ILs; (6) both donors ′ and Jinmian 6 ′ s bands appeared in ILs. The appearance of novel bands or disappearance of parental bands may result from the changes of SSR region and flanking sequence. Compared to the gSSRs, EST-SSRs were more variable between the ILs and Jinmian 6, which may be a result of the introgressed good fiber quality of the ILs.
Key words:introgression lines;G.thurberiG.anomalum;EST-SSR;gSSR
CLC number:S562.035          Document code:A
Article ID:1002-7807(2008)04-0243-06        [Full Text,2856KB]